Monday, May 12, 2014

Our Schools are In Crisis and They Are Going to Disney World!

A storm of anger was unleashed on March 27, 2014 when David Matthews led Academy Parents (mostly out of district - School Choice) on a destructive rampage of hate and propaganda. They do not want their children to pass yours and mine in the hallway.

Some people were so enraged that all concerned ignored actions that needed to be taken based on the high school Principal's presentation.
  • Final Exam Dates, Schedule, Details were ignored and not recommended by the Superintendent          or approved by the Board.
  • Senior Experience was ignored and no action was taken
  • Graduation Date was ignored, no decision was made, no action was taken
  • Keynote Speaker of Graduation was lost because action was not taken in time to secure the chosen speaker. Our Board and District Leader had taken no action on how the loss of instruction time, because of inclement weather, would be made up. (Did we need a "Think Tank" to take action on this also?
Residency Re-Registration
Attention was diverted to the task of re-registering students at Quarles and Grieco to weed out persons who are stealing Education from the Englewood Public School District. 3 families supposedly confessed that they do not live in Englewood and nothing happened. They are being allowed to finish out the year. 

Last year, we watched the Board bring a teacher employed by the Englewood Public School District to tears.  She does not live in Englewood, but had a diabetic son registered at and attending Quarles. They had the woman crying in public.  They gave this teacher and several others a tuition bill. Why are they allowing persons who confess to "stealing education" to finish out the year without paying anything? The 
Re-registration activity itself cost the District money.

The Budget - 
Why is there no reference to the amount paid by Englewood Cliffs? State Aid does not cover them since we are their high schools. In years past, there are amounts paid to the district for Englewood Cliffs students. 

Curriculum Development
Some things do not require a degree in education to see the problem. Compare the way
the curriculum as developed in the first 2 Englewood models to the ones following.

I suspect that the person who typed the Curriculum formation did not have a mastery of the software. The people who created the Curriculum need training in Curriculum Development. This was created by folks with Doctorate Degrees who do not teach. That is for sure. What are Essential Questions in the Common Core State Standards?
If a job is offered to a person of integrity and he/she is not able to do that job because of the skill set required, a person of integrity declines the position.
That person who typed these 2 Curriculum Guides should be required to perform a do over. Too much time is required on the part of the teacher, parent or state official to decipher that mish-mosh.

It is extremely difficult to even read the content. This should not be
posted so others may make the same comparison that this Educator has made. It is a bad
reflection on the district and demonstrates the shoddy work that our district accepts.

Acceptance of shoddy work is the basis of why we have a focus school.

Phase I Curriculum Alignment - 2013-2014 Created by EPSD Six figure Employees

EPSD six figure employees have just presented us perfect examples of curriculum that will never be used.
  • The set up. What is up with those cells? Baffle and Befuddle before even reading content? Hire someone who is capable of using the software. There is enough confusion already.
  • This model requires the teacher to;
    •  Memorize each standard's number
    • Consult the Common Core to identify the content of each individual standard constantly. CCSS Standards/Anchor Standards: RF 1.1, 1.3, 1.3b, 1.4,1.4a, 1.4b, 1.4c ,SL 1.1,1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 
    • Or ignore it all and chance that no one else has learned or has come up with a way to minimize  referencing time.
  • Our six figure employees have created a document in a way that was easy for them, but will be near impossible for a teacher to use effectively. (Turnaround Principle #7Effective Use of Time: Redesigning time to better meet student needs and increase teacher collaboration focused on improving teaching and learning; and)
When did we sell ourselves to Just Right Books? The names of vendors have no business within the
body and objectives of the Curriculum Guide.
Essential Question: How can readers read Just Right Books and use print strategies to
support conventional reading?
That is NOT an essential question. Click here for examples of Essential Questions. Essential Questions. What if this organization goes out of business? This implies that deals have been made even before the curriculum was written. Skills and Mastery shall take precedence over vendors. Just Right books should be listed with other resources that may be consulted by the Teacher. Are they under contract already?

What are running records? What percentage of the students' grade and the teachers'
evaluation depend on the results of Star Renaissance diagnostics?

The Field Trips - Purpose: The goal of HOSA is to experience the field of medicine in action.

You have got to be kidding. Is that the only rationale required for taking 9 children on a trip that costs the tax payers $4,100.00? How many of these 9 students are Englewood Residents? Chaperones should pay for themselves. Are you using the Title I status of our District to reduce the cost of sending non-Title I Students on a Field Trip to Disney World?

Are you trying to destroy what little positive climate and culture that remains intact at the high school? We all know that the majority of these children are School Choice. This is an example of why we/taxpayers have a problem with this Educational Model. At a Parent Partnership Association (PPA) meeting on March 27, one parent was adamant that Englewood taxpayers should NOT be allowed to speak, because it was a PPA Meeting and not a taxpayer meeting. 

On April 10, the Board President and Superintendent dismissed the "idea" presented by the HS Principal and did not look back to see that they were responsible to take action on other very important items listed on the same power point presentation as what they referred to as a "hair brained idea". After prefacing Privilege of the floor with the mandate that only one person per organization would be allowed to speak, our Board President engineered a situation where all members of the organization of PPA got to speak while only allowing 1 person to speak from the ETA. 

What exactly are the children expected to learn? HOW DO YOU EXPERIENCE THE FIELD OF MEDICINE AT A CONVENTION? Some of us have attended this type of convention.
Not one of you should vote for this. Shall we all chant "conflict of interest" 10 times, since 5 of you have
children in the Academy. This is not acceptable. A better rationale describing Learner Outcomes should be demanded for trips such as these if for no other reason but to keep the peace. You are fanning the flames now.

Were over 100 jobs sacrificed so you could cater to the few. The needs of the many far outweigh
the needs of the few.

Graduation - 
The High School Graduation is at high noon. The hottest time of the day for an outside graduation.
Many Districts intentionally schedule graduation at 5:30 after the sun has gone down and it is cooler. Plus this allows parents to attend work most of the day.

Why are you subjecting everyone to the possibility of heat stroke? Old people, small children, individuals with health concerns. I am diabetic. Sitting outside in the heat of the sun at "high noon" would be enough to put me in the hospital.

The Tone of the Present Agenda -
Oh really, you are going there? Seems someone may be a tad upset, because due process was followed for the first time in a very long time. The more you ignore the obvious, the more the climate and culture of the entire district deteriorates.

                                         How are the Englewood Children?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Will We Survive!?

June 14, 2014 is a very special day. We are continuing the conversation that was started last year at the People's Town Hall on Education Issues and Solutions.

Did you know that your 3rd grade child will be expected to accomplish a 
task that most adults cannot accomplish without sufficient preparation?

3rd graders will be required to type with speed and accuracy in order to perform well in the completion of online standardized tests. 

Third grade. 
How many words per minute do you type (key in) without errors?

Are you able to type without looking at the keys?
Do you use the hunt and peck method?
Do you simply text on the keyboard?
Do you type with all 10 of your fingers?
How many words do you type in 1 minute without errors?

Hunt and peck is almost sufficient for multiple choice.
How will they fare when writing?

More time on task is needed. 
Find an online program and require your child to begin to practice now
even if you are planning to OptOut.
I once harbored ill feelings towards my high school guidance counselor 
She kept telling me that I would make the best secretary
I wanted to be a doctor.
Today, I am thankful that my strong feelings towards her forced me to 
learn to type without looking at the keys.
The computer is a tool. 
The keyboard must become an extension of one's fingers.
Dealing with the machine must NOT be allowed 
to come between your child and success.


These tests will determine the way your child is treated in school for the rest of his or her life.

Typing Through Time: Keyboard History


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Why Reorganize?: The Academies@Englewood is a Focus School

Have you wondered why there were no lawn signs, persuasive mailings, robo calls, door knob hangers and individuals at your doors urging you to get out and vote? Did you notice that you did not vote in the month of April?

There is no simple answer to that most important and burning question, because the School District gets the largest share of taxes collected in this town. While you were sleeping, 5 people made a monumental decision for you, without your consent.

School Board Elections have been moved to November 4, 2014. Click for details.
The residents of Englewood voted to move from an appointed School Board to an elected School Board so we would be able to vote on the School Budget. 

Earlier this year, 5 School Board Members deprived "We the People" of the right to vote on the budget by moving the School Board Elections to November. 

CITIZENS in 61 Bergen County towns need not concern themselves with voting for or against local school budgets this Wednesday. Their right to vote on school budgets, which consume two-thirds of property taxes, has been stripped from them by their boards of education or municipal governing bodies, with little public notice.  - See more at:
The residents of Englewood will not be able to vote on the budget again, unless we elect School Board Members who will vote to change back to an April School Board Election. 

Why? Because at least 5 Members of the School Board and the Special Interest Groups that they represent have other plans. We would like to see their plans. At least one of their plans, that has been in operation since 2002, has earned us the Focus School Designation.

April 10, 2014 Dr. Donald Carlisle and Howard Haughton suggested that we had a more serious problem than a "focus school" designation. They tried to turn our attention to an allegation that we have hundreds of people attending Englewood Schools in Quarles and Grieco who do not live in Englewood. They think that is a more important issue than dealing with the attempt to change our focus high school into a reward high school. 

That is a ridiculous smoke screen. We know about the "keep away from Quarles" and we will "keep away from the high school" agreement. Isn't that the real reason that it was so important to get rid Richard Segall? Read the documents in this post. You be the judge. If we are teaching children to multitask, then surely our elected officials must model that same behavior. That each may continue to learn while alive.

FACT: The Academy only exists, because of Dwight Morrow
High School? If Dwight Morrow High School did not exist, there would be no reason for the Academy Program. It was created to integrate Dwight Morrow High School. The A@E existence depends on the survival of Dwight Morrow High School.

FACT: Dwight Morrow High School/Academies@Englewood is a Focus School

FACT: When Dwight Morrow High School/Academies @ Englewood was designated a Focus School, by the Federal and State Governments, it was assigned a RAC. 

FACT: The former RAC for Dwight Morrow High School/Academies@Englewood is now Interim Executive County Superintendent for Bergen County.
RAC Interventions... EXCERPT from njdoe Ouestions and Answers about Regional Achievement Centers

  • The QSR is a baseline evaluation of Priority and Focus Schools with quality indicators aligned to the eight turnaround principles. The QSR replaces the CAPA Review.
  • QSRs will be conducted this spring in Priority Schools. QSRs in Focus Schools will start this Fall. School Improvement Plans will incorporate the results of the QSRs.
  • Based on the findings from the QSR, RAC teams will work in conjunction with school and district l eaders, educators, and families to develop comprehensive and individualized SIPs based on the 8 Turnaround Principles and the unique needs of each school. School and district leaders will commit to and be held accountable for the high quality implementation of the intervention strategies identified in the SIP with the support of the RAC team. Example intervention strategies include:
  •  Implementation of NJDOE model curriculum and unit assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards;
  • Redesign of instructional time to better meet student needs and increase teacher collaboration focused on improving teaching and learning;
  • Use of current data to design and implement specific classroom strategies to improve teaching and learning;
  • Required professional development focused on the 8 Turnaround Principles for school leaders and educators; 
  •  Changes to the climate and culture of the school to ensure a quality learning environment with a culture of high expectations for every student;
  • Development of new family and community engagement strategies that are specifically focused on academic achievement; and
  • Hiring or reassigning full-time professionals specialists (e.g. culture and climate leader, data leader, literacy leader, mathematics leader) to be embedded in schools.  
School Improvement Plans will be reviewed and modified if necessary, at regular intervals of about 7 weeks. This activity will be based on the progress of interventions and student achievement.
Will the RAC Team work with the Priority and Focus School leadership in developing the School Improvement Plan? 

The EPSD did not acknowledge the Focus School Designation in August 2013 when they met at a
retreat  in order to create goals and objectives by which to evaluate the Superintendent. There were no goals articulated relating to the desire for Dwight Morrow High School to become a Reward School. Our Board and Dr. Carlisle did not discuss the 8 Turnaround Principles or the Rubric that must be utilized to turnaround the school.

David Matthews and others claim that they were not consulted about a plan that would reorganize the high school with no changes to A@E except the moving of physical classrooms. Do they mean that they were not asked?

Well, now you know how we feel. In June of 2002, DMHS students went home eager for summer fun. When they returned to DMHS in September of 2002, high school life had changed forever.  There is no way to measure all that they lost in just one summer. We were not consulted, asked or informed of these changes. We were not advised that our children would be chased out of the building by a man with a bullhorn at 3 pm.

For 12 years, you have taken care of your own children, now you must take care of all of them.

Has our Board of Education abandoned the children of Englewood Residents?

                                                      How are the children?

Monday, April 28, 2014

A Novel Idea?

Found by Laura Winston in a Brooklyn thrift shop. 
Perhaps the "idea" should find its way home.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Our Schools Are In Crisis: Evolve!

Posted on and reprinted here with additions...

There you go proving our point again. The real deal here is that the children from other towns are better
prepared educationally than Englewood children. That is the important point here. The needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few. There are only 193 children from Englewood registered in the Academy. We, as taxpayers are supplementing the education of School Choice students to the tune of approximately 1.7 million dollars per year. That does not include litigation, which is an undisclosed amount. "Academic Segregation" is coming to an end in Englewood. It is not benefiting enough Englewood children It siphons off resources in order to survive in the state that it is in currently. Note how the entire school is described by the Department of Education.
"This school's academic performance lags in comparison to schools across the state. Additionally, its academic performance lags in comparison to its peers. This school's college and career readiness is about average when compared to schools across the state. Additionally, its college and career readiness is high when compared to its peers. This school's graduation and post-secondary performance lags in comparison to schools across the state. Additionally, its graduation and post-secondary readiness is about average when compared to its peers." New Jersey Department Of Education  (emphasis is theirs)  

It should be noted again, that there is no plan now and there has been no discussion of changing the content
A 6th grade Science class from the Dwight Englewood
School participates in a STEM activity at the 3rd
Street Community  Garden
or makeup of Academy Program classes. There has been no discussion of changing the teachers that you love so much. None. The Propaganda that has your head spinning around is based on lies. Ultimately one must face the fact that the majority of the parents at the April 10th meeting do not reside in Englewood and do not vote here. We did not try to fill the room with children or parents from Englewood. We saw what the deal was and we did not take the bait. We did not want the riot that would have occurred after parents and students from Englewood listened to the remarks made at that meeting. Change will come. The Program must evolve. The entire school district must be reorganized for the sake of all students.

It is a low place to go when discussing this situation to blame a population of children who have been told since 3rd grade that they are not good enough, because of their Math scores. My 27 years in the classroom are not going to waste here. In the 3rd grade, one group of children is given an affectionate pat on the head, while the others are ignored. The situation that exists at the high school is exactly what happens when the district, teachers, administrators and Board members have "high" expectations for one group and "no" expectations for another. Every single parent in the district should sign that contract that is handed out to the IVY children. Englewood children must be better prepared from Pre-K up. It is a tragedy that you feel the way you do, but change must come in order for the entire district to survive.

The students are going to Achieve just as well regardless of the building in which they study. Parents need to
They got a little dirty as they turned the soil in their
chosen raised bed.
calm down and let the professionals do what has to be done. The School Board does not run the district. The parents certainly do not run the district. The parents from out of town come to one Board meeting and everyone goes "wow". I have missed only 2 Board meetings since February 2011. I have seen maybe 3 School Choice parents in attendance. Get a grip on reality. We are not slaves and there are many different types of intelligence. For the record, I prefer a STEAM building. Art cannot be separated from Architecture, Design and Engineering. It is shared by the disciplines.

Change should have come in 2008 when the Board realized that the Equity & Excellence millions were no longer available. It is not okay with me that my property taxes supplement students who heckle Englewood parents, "class Act Fatty". I heard that with my own ears and saw the mouth that it was coming from. I love the way the problems in the Academy are sanitized. Did students earn the right to be disrespectful when they scored higher on the test? Do students deserve the right to crack into the server in
They tested the soil  in the beds. 
order to collect tests and grades of all students in the district? That child/hacker was made a hero. Was he following in the footsteps of this guy who graduated from BA? Are they heroes when they commit the same infractions that north building children are demonized for even thinking about?  Let us just discuss how there are also problems in the Academy Program. Stop talking about an imperfect failed Educational Model as if there are no faults. David Matthews has been complaining about the stagnation for at least 3 years. Which one is it? Is it stagnant or perfect. Stagnant is not good. plagiarized or no.

Albert Koloff, did a comparison study of Englewood's School Choice and the Manchester school district's School Choice Program and concluded that our model is not sustainable. Other districts make a profit on School Choice, EPSD incurs a deficit. That deficit is shouldered by the taxpaying residents. These same residents are being discriminated against in too many ways to list here. Our children are being disenfranchised year after year. Taxpayers from all 4 Wards are losing out on having a successful School District, because our Board vilifies our professionals in public instead of giving them the support needed to educate all children. Learned and trained professionals have given excellent advice on how to raise test scores and overall Academic Achievement, but this Board cannot admit that it shot itself in the foot with a cannonball when this program was constructed this way. I was here and the residents of Englewood were not consulted about the establishment of this Educational Model.
                                    How are the children? How are ALL of the children?