There is no simple answer to that most important and burning question, because the School District gets the largest share of taxes collected in this town. While you were sleeping, 5 people made a monumental decision for you, without your consent.
School Board Elections have been moved to November 4, 2014. Click for details.
The residents of Englewood voted to move from an appointed School Board to an elected School Board so we would be able to vote on the School Budget.
Earlier this year, 5 School Board Members deprived "We the People" of the right to vote on the budget by moving the School Board Elections to November.
CITIZENS in 61 Bergen County towns need not concern themselves with voting for or against local school budgets this Wednesday. Their right to vote on school budgets, which consume two-thirds of property taxes, has been stripped from them by their boards of education or municipal governing bodies, with little public notice. - See more at: http://www.northjersey.com/opinion/opinion-a-lesson-on-disenfranchisement-1.999324#sthash.6xMClBoW.dpufThe residents of Englewood will not be able to vote on the budget again, unless we elect School Board Members who will vote to change back to an April School Board Election.
Why? Because at least 5 Members of the School Board and the Special Interest Groups that they represent have other plans. We would like to see their plans. At least one of their plans, that has been in operation since 2002, has earned us the Focus School Designation.
April 10, 2014 Dr. Donald Carlisle and Howard Haughton suggested that we had a more serious problem than a "focus school" designation. They tried to turn our attention to an allegation that we have hundreds of people attending Englewood Schools in Quarles and Grieco who do not live in Englewood. They think that is a more important issue than dealing with the attempt to change our focus high school into a reward high school.
That is a ridiculous smoke screen. We know about the "keep away from Quarles" and we will "keep away from the high school" agreement. Isn't that the real reason that it was so important to get rid Richard Segall? Read the documents in this post. You be the judge. If we are teaching children to multitask, then surely our elected officials must model that same behavior. That each may continue to learn while alive.
FACT: The Academy only exists, because of Dwight Morrow
High School? If Dwight Morrow High School did not exist, there would be no reason for the Academy Program. It was created to integrate Dwight Morrow High School. The A@E existence depends on the survival of Dwight Morrow High School.
FACT: Dwight Morrow High School/Academies@Englewood is a Focus School
FACT: When Dwight Morrow High School/Academies @ Englewood was designated a Focus School, by the Federal and State Governments, it was assigned a RAC.
FACT: The former RAC for Dwight Morrow High School/Academies@Englewood is now Interim Executive County Superintendent for Bergen County.
- What is a RAC? What does a RAC do?
- RAC Job Titles
- Meet the Ron Karsen, RAC for Bergen, Morris, Passaic, Sussex and Warren Counties
- What are the 8 Turnaround Principles that high school leaders must follow?
- The RAC Mission, Guiding Principles and why you should care.
- Regional Achievement Centers
- RAC - What are Regional Achievement Centers?
- RAC Mission Statement
- The RAC Approach
- Priority And Focus Schools
- SIP School Improvement Plan Videos
- Questions & Answers about the RAC Regional Achievement Centers
- Other Schools in our area have also been designated as Focus or Priority Schools.
- Reward Schools may be thought of as Focus Schools that improved the most.
- RAC and PARCC: What is PARCC and how will it affect my child's education?
- What is expected of my child and yours?
RAC Interventions... EXCERPT from njdoe Ouestions and Answers about Regional Achievement Centers
What is the Quality School Review (QSR)?
- The QSR is a baseline evaluation of Priority and Focus Schools with quality indicators aligned to the eight turnaround principles. The QSR replaces the CAPA Review.
- QSRs will be conducted this spring in Priority Schools. QSRs in Focus Schools will start this Fall. School Improvement Plans will incorporate the results of the QSRs.
What is the School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
- Based on the findings from the QSR, RAC teams will work in conjunction with school and district l eaders, educators, and families to develop comprehensive and individualized SIPs based on the 8 Turnaround Principles and the unique needs of each school. School and district leaders will commit to and be held accountable for the high quality implementation of the intervention strategies identified in the SIP with the support of the RAC team. Example intervention strategies include:
Will the RAC Team work with the Priority and Focus School leadership in developing the School Improvement Plan?School Improvement Plans will be reviewed and modified if necessary, at regular intervals of about 7 weeks. This activity will be based on the progress of interventions and student achievement.
- Implementation of NJDOE model curriculum and unit assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards;
- Redesign of instructional time to better meet student needs and increase teacher collaboration focused on improving teaching and learning;
- Use of current data to design and implement specific classroom strategies to improve teaching and learning;
- Required professional development focused on the 8 Turnaround Principles for school leaders and educators;
- Changes to the climate and culture of the school to ensure a quality learning environment with a culture of high expectations for every student;
- Development of new family and community engagement strategies that are specifically focused on academic achievement; and
- Hiring or reassigning full-time professionals specialists (e.g. culture and climate leader, data leader, literacy leader, mathematics leader) to be embedded in schools.
- Yes. Development of School Improvement Plan is is a collaborative process, which includes school and district leadership, teachers, and other key stakeholders. http://www.state.nj.us/education/modelcurriculum/
The EPSD did not acknowledge the Focus School Designation in August 2013 when they met at a
retreat in order to create goals and objectives by which to evaluate the Superintendent. There were no goals articulated relating to the desire for Dwight Morrow High School to become a Reward School. Our Board and Dr. Carlisle did not discuss the 8 Turnaround Principles or the Rubric that must be utilized to turnaround the school.
retreat in order to create goals and objectives by which to evaluate the Superintendent. There were no goals articulated relating to the desire for Dwight Morrow High School to become a Reward School. Our Board and Dr. Carlisle did not discuss the 8 Turnaround Principles or the Rubric that must be utilized to turnaround the school.
David Matthews and others claim that they were not consulted about a plan that would reorganize the high school with no changes to A@E except the moving of physical classrooms. Do they mean that they were not asked?
Well, now you know how we feel. In June of 2002, DMHS students went home eager for summer fun. When they returned to DMHS in September of 2002, high school life had changed forever. There is no way to measure all that they lost in just one summer. We were not consulted, asked or informed of these changes. We were not advised that our children would be chased out of the building by a man with a bullhorn at 3 pm.
For 12 years, you have taken care of your own children, now you must take care of all of them.
Has our Board of Education abandoned the children of Englewood Residents?
How are the children?
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