So how many Children ARE being left behind in your town...? Is it time for parents to begin asking questions of their children's school districts? Questions like:
- How many different classifications of special education exist in Pre k - and Kindergarten?
- How does Gardner's learning styles apply to such a variety of differences?
- What teacher on the planet is prepared to deal with such a diverse group of learning disabilities and learning styles in the same classroom?
- What is being done for children who do not read and write by first grade?
- What are students missing who take Mandarin in grades pre k - K, grades 1- 3 and grades 4 - 6?
- Was the effectiveness of Mandarin assessed before the plan to go ahead and implement in all grades?
- How many English Language Learning students are reading and writing in English before 2nd grade?
- Why are so many parents avoiding the public schools in the Elementary grades?
- Why is pre-kindergarten not available for ALL Englewood children, especially since we have been designated a school system in need of improvement?
- Why is the board of education (of which not one has experience in public school education) making such critical decisions about curriculum with little or no teacher or principal input?
- Why do Englewood Educators walk on eggshells?
In Atlanta, Georgia:
"Administrators — pressured to maintain high scores under the federal No Child Left Behind law — punished or fired those who reported anything amiss and created a culture of "fear, intimidation and retaliation," according to the report released earlier this month, two years after officials noticed a suspicious spike in some scores."
"Administrators — pressured to maintain high scores under the federal No Child Left Behind law — punished or fired those who reported anything amiss and created a culture of "fear, intimidation and retaliation," according to the report released earlier this month, two years after officials noticed a suspicious spike in some scores."
Everyone who thinks this only exists in Atlanta, please sit down immediately. You have a lot to learn. It sounds very familiar and close to home to those of us who have been paying attention. There must be more accountability on the part of the parents, teachers, and principals. How well does your child read and write? Regardless of what anyone says Literacy is the key. Indifference has no place in the field of Education. If one is not helping, then one is hindering. School personnel must begin to join together for the sake of children and not just for the sake of salaries.
Will easing test pressure save kids?
Will easing test pressure save kids?
We do not have Title 1 Reading and Math in our town, yet we are a failing district. Are Mandarin, Dual Language, Avid, AcademyPrep and Small Learning Communities clouds of smoke being pumped up our proverbial butts while our children are failing basic skills tests given in English?
We attended a Public Hearing of Governor Christie's Education Transformation Task Force on Tuesday, July 12 at Seton Hall University. We are not the only ones concerned about the learning taking place in the developmental years of our children.
There is still time to get your voices heard. We encourage you all to use this email address and do just that.
Or write:
Education Transformation Task Force
c/o Department of Education,
100 Riverview Plaza
PO Box 500, Trenton, NJ 08625
Business is booming. Grants are rolling in. Facilities are rented on Sundays and whenever empty, but are not available to your children for a basketball game. Folks are smiling, shuffling and keeping time, but how are the children?