Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is Transparency?: Parents Need in On the Planning

"There was a big banner on one side saying, "Welcome Academy Class of 2015!" and on the other there was a sign that read, "Welcome Back Academy Students!" and in the center hallway of the Castle//North there was a small sign saying, "Freshmen report to the auditorium". Now have we ministered to and nurtured the "whole child", when we demonstrate such obvious favoritism?

 (Do we need Sigmund Freud to decipher this one?)

Miriam Webster's Definition
Transparent -
1. adjective - allowing light to pass through so that bodies can be distinctly seen
2. (or a disguise; pretext, etc.) easily seen through
    ( of a motive, quality, etc.) easily discerned; evident; obvious.
3. (of a person, etc,) easily understood; frank; open.
Transparency -
the condition of being transparent.
a picture, inscription, etc., made visible by a light behind it.

Free Icy at School Supply
give away to honor
Darius Hunt
Did anyone get a pamphlet of any kind in the spring that listed course offerings at the high School? Did you get one from the North or even the South side of the campus? No, you didn't. You should have gotten one for Dwight Morrow High School that includes all of the programs on the campus including the Academy, Small Learning Communities, the Comprehensive High School and the Eagle Academy. You should ask for one. You should never allow another year to pass without one.

You should also have gotten one at Janis E. Dismus middle school. The entire school was just reorganized. Let us hope that there will be some adjustments made so that the labels will be discarded. Princeton and Columbia need not envy each other. Cut the gimmicks. The more you waffle the lower the pants fall.

The Document
Our children know when we do
good things for other people. 
Does anyone know what is offered in the High School as a whole? Does anyone know which department generally handles that information? Yes. Give that young lady with the degree in  School Guidance a Pie Award. If one does the research one learns that "best practice" for compilation and dissemination of course offerings falls under the auspices of the Guidance Department. The Guidance Department compiles a brochure or document listing descriptions of all available courses offered at the high school. Early in the year, each teacher is called upon to write or update the description of courses that they teach. This description includes textbook title, requirements and any special activities the students will be involved in during the course of the year. The dedicated student and parent might then have the opportunity to preview the materials and make more informed Decisions. It will empower the teacher, parent and student to face the challenges ahead.

Children know which Community
people are working for all
The document is divided by subject area. The responsibilty of guidance is also explained. Students generally learn which of the listed counselors will be advising them for the next four years. In Teaneck, this process and the booklet is called DECISION 2011 or DECISION 2012 depending on the year. 8th graders and their parents are presented with this information during spring registration. It is a big deal and a very exciting time for 8th graders. Guidance arranges a visit to the high school where students get a good look at the school so they will be less intimidated by the high school experience. Fine and Performing Arts and other Departments visit the middle school with performances and demonstrations to excite the 8th grade students about moving up and growing up.

Formerly offered great
programming for
Every course is already approved by the County/State. All courses that have not been approved are listed as pending approval. Early in the year, each teacher is called upon to write or update the description of courses taught. This description includes objective, textbook title, requirements and any special activities the students will be involved in during the course of the year. It is not a schedule. It simply lists courses, prequisites, graduation requirements, activities and programs available at the high school. All clubs, extracurricular and sports activities are described and the sponsors are listed. The student and the parent have a clear idea of all activities taking place at the high school. (Some people refer to this as curriculum, but it is hardly adequate as a real curriculum model. Real Curriculum contains much more detailed information and a timeline that spans a school year with materials, activities, objectives, and perhaps broken into units.) It is a road map for the teacher and those evaluating them and the students. There is tratnsparency and involves full disclosure to the persons affected.

Former Principal of High
School, Dorian Milteer &
A. Bickham
Englewood's Director of guidance is fully aware of this Decision process since he was involved in it for several years while working as a school guidance counselor at Teaneck High School. Englewood is very different. This writer is still trying to determine what role the School Guidance Counselor plays in the EPSD. It has become very obvious why parents are discouraged when attempting to help their children in the decision process. There is no hard copy brochure. There is no brochure on line. There is a list of courses.  There is no curriculum road map. There is no way finding system. It is no wonder so many lose their way.

Each of the Small Learning Communities within the DMHS campus needs its own way finding system that ends in graduation. Graduation requirements should be revisited to insure that there is equity when comparing all programs. Make all students read more books. I want to know who the teachers are in all programs. I want to know what degrees they have and how long they have been teaching. I want to know if he/she holds a Standard Certification in the subject being taught. I want to know if they are threatened by young men with their "pants on the ground".  Did you ever wonder why each teacher in the Academy is listed as teaching grades 9 -12? How easy is it to list each teacher by department and list what he/ she teaches? Full disclosure is needed in the EPSD as a whole.

What exactly are Small Learning Communities?
Follow this link and learn the purpose of a Small LearningCommunity. Does the model at DMHS follow any of the ones listed. Based on the strengths listed, how is the school doing? Does anyone care? Is this program offered to everyone? How does a student find out about these small groups of students learning together? Do they even exist? Does anyone have an idea what Small Learning Communities are? Surely 9th graders were told of the program. or were they? It seems that the communities only exist on the EPSD website and in reports to the state that make it possible to continue to collect state aid and grant money. Pay close attention. Has so much time been spent on prepping Academy students that this program has been neglected entirely? Were parents given any literature detailing the program's strengths or weaknesses so that they might make an informed decision?  How are the students selected? How many students are enrolled in the communities?  How many have graduated and where do they work or attend college? Has this program been assessed?

The warm and Fuzzy?
Career Clusters
Small Learning Communities?
Supporters of Small Learning Communities assume that teachers will get to know their students and respond to their needs better than in the larger comprehensive high school. It is believed that small communities will make it easier for teachers to share practices. They suggest that this sharing will encourage them to create a culture for sustained instructional improvement, which will enhance student learning. Is anything like this happening at DMHS? Is the Eagle Academy a success? Are communities within the A@E successful and how is this success determined? Have the Schools within a School at Dwight Morrow High School gotten the funds or attention needed to succeed? Mr. Glenn Garrison was very clear at the August 18, 2011 board meeting that the Academy@Englewood was the only program that the board promotes. What a kick in the teeth. Would DMHS students in the North building have received a better welcome back if the teachers and administrators were united in an effort to keep EQUITY in the education of Englewood's students? I think yes. Where is the transparency? Too much is hidden. Too, Too many questions need answers.

Whatever Happened to Our Comprehensive High School?
Dwight Morrow High School used to be a comprehensive high school. How much of this school still exists? We know there are no mid term and final exams. We also know that students have far too much freedom in the spring when it seems that there is no more learning or teaching going on. This begins early May, even at the end of April. Perhaps this is the reason the fences must be repaired to keep students in, because there is nothing going on to hold their attention or motivate them inside the building. We also do not know what is really being offered within courses and how these courses connect to the real world. I would like to know more about what my granddaughter and her friends will be exposed to in high school. Why are we even considering lengthening the school day when time on task is already severely lacking. It is not how much time, but how you use the time.

Mrs. Carolyn Hunt, the mother of
Darius is joined by
Community members.
The word transparency is thrown about willy nilly, but it seems that the definition is being changed to something entirely different. Are you beginning to read more? Are you gathering more information? Do you have questions? We must work together to make transparency real, to clear away smoke that is clouding our views. Join us at the school board meetings. We will ask them together.

September 15, 2011 at Grieco School. 7:30 pm open session. We look forward to seeing you there.

From...Transparency In Education - Report Card In Bangladesh by Shanaz Karim
Lack of integrity and unethical behavior within the education sector is inconsistent with one of the main purposes of education; that is to produce "good citizens", respectful of the law, of human rights and fairness (it is also incompatible with any strategy that considers education as one of the principle means of fighting corruption.)

                                             "How are the children?"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy first day of school to everyone, everywhere!

Everyone Owns The Information 
and Knowledge is Power

Today is the first day of school.

It is my hope that each may learn in a safe and healthy environment.
I hope that children everywhere are mentally present and are eager to begin the year.
I hope that teachers are prepared to acknowledge and motivate students to attain information.
I hope that teachers encourage  and guide each child to be the best.
I hope that every child will enjoy the equity and excellence in education promised in election years.
I hope that each child of age to attend pre - kindergarten and kindergarten is enrolled in the public school.
I hope that the music, visual art, dance and drama programs are still nurturing future great artists.
I hope that students are excelling in technology rich coursework. 
I hope that challenging and creative  sports programs are producing fabulous athletes who have facilities large enough to hold them and the equipment they need.

I hope that the culture of winning has not been replaced by the culture of greed.
I hope that the literature is classic, contemporary, fiction and non fiction.
I hope that everyone is encouraged to improve academically, to be of good character and a good citizen
I hope that each library is filled with literature that will engage students in the act of reading.
I hope students are able to read about every culture's history.
I am confident that curriculum in every subject grades pre -k to 12 has been updated and made relevant.
I hope that every child is prepared to be challenged

I hope that teachers are prepared to expect the best achievement 

I hope that everyone will have as a goal that every child should read and write English when entering the first grade.

I hope that this is the year that everyone will realize that even in the most exact examples of ability tracking systems students still take art, physical education, music, chorus and participate in school wide sports activities together.

                                               How are the children?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Does overzealous tracking nurture and encourage apartheid educational practices?

The word of the day:    Apartheid


  1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
  2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
  3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.

(ə-pärt'hīt', -hāt'pronunciation
  1. An official policy of racial egregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
  2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
  3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.


[uh-pahrt-heyt, -hahyt]
(in the Republic of South Africa) a rigid policy of segregation of the nonwhite population.
any system or practice that separates people according to race, caste, etc.
Definition:Derived from the Afrikaans word for "apartness," apartheid is a term that came into usage in the 1930s and signified the political policy under which the races in South Africa were subject to "separate development." For the purpose of implementing these policies, apartheid recognized four races: Bantu, or black African; Coloured, or mixed race; white, and Asian.  Apartheid met with both international condemnation and spurred a resistance movement among black South Africans. Apartheid was defined as a crime in 2002 by the International Criminal Court; the United Nations had declared it a crime against humanity in 1973, though many nations still have not signed on to the convention

a·part·heid  n.
1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.

2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.

the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.[12]

                              How are the children? 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Highlights: Englewood Board of Education Meeting August 18, 2011

The meeting started at 6:30. I arrived late, others in our group were in attendance since the beginning. The board had taken a break in order to go across the street and inspect the work on Winton White Stadium.We sat with a 30 page agenda wondering how we were ever going to get through all of the items. One board member was absent. Dr. Carlisle's Superintendent's report was shortened slightly. He omitted the section where he is usually unfriendly to the public. He gave an update on the work beneath Winton White Stadiuim. Richard Bennett, supervisor of the stadium project was introduced.

Beneath the Stadium
7,200 square feet of useable space.
Wetlands: This lush green
area  will  soon be
4 locker rooms for multiple team sports,
Offices for Coaches and  trainers
An autonomous room independent of rest of the building.
An independent training room.
A first aid room,
A snack bar
A press box in the stands to facilitate filming of games
The facility is supposedly 80% complete. He spoke of a shortage of materials as a reason for apparent delays. It seems they were keeping us on a need to know basis with this project. When my grandchild complains of not having paper and books, I need to know. How about you? Thank your luck stars that there is no 3 tier parking garage.

Singapore Math Training & The Responsive Classroom
Driven by Data: A Practical Guide to Improve InstructionDr. Carlisle spoke briefly about the Singapore Math program and invited parents and community members to attend the next training session to be held 8/29 - 9/2. This link contains important information for parents who might want to help kids keep up at home. It is intended for homeschooling parents. He introduced Lisa Finn Bruce and referred to her as his partner. She talked about The Responsive Classroom Program. She mentioned social interaction of students, a morning meeting, encouraging positive teacher language and a positive approach to student discipline. We have included links to the Responsive Classroom site in other posts, click here to visit.  Become familiar with the site. It contains information that will  help you understand what is going on in your child's school.

The Reading Assignment
Dr. Carlisle gave the school board a reading assignment. Driven By Data.  He gave each board member a copy of the book to read. (I wonder who paid for the books. At least one remained on the table when the BOE adjourned and left the room.) Just in case they were not sufficiently insulted, I was insulted for them. He continues to train the Board of Education. They continue to ignore the fact that they are required by state law to have one of the school board members be a liasion to the New Jersey School Board Association. This is where they are required by law to get their training, not from a CE Chief School Administrator who needs a mentor simply to function in the position he holds. Why is the BOE allowing this? Why was this book presented to them in the public meeting? What is he trying to say to us? Don't get me wrong, the book seems like a good reference for teachers, principals and even Superintendents. The fact remains that the school board members are systematically resisting the New Jersey School Board training that is mandated by state law. This book is clearly NOT a training manual for school board members. It makes a good resource for Dr. Carlisle.

Containing the Children -
Dr. Carlisle spoke of a fence being down somewhere on the DMHS campus and how important it was to keep the kids in. It sounded rather like they were being imprisoned, so he said they were just being kept inside the fence. Funny, I've never thought of DMHS as being fenced in. That wide open front lawn gives the welcome appearance of an open campus. Motivate them with a challenging curriculum and teachers who care and they will be inspired to stay in without coersion.

Superintendent's office & Deans
It was announced that his office is now on the 2nd floor of DMHS and that there are now Deans. These Deans were described as quasi-administrators, which is problematic since the word administrator implies dominion over teachers. Real Administrators must have additional certifications. This is no surprise since only one of EPSD's staff members has been publicly identified as highly qualified. Teaneck was marked down on the QSAC because they have Teacher Deans. They are in no way considered administrators, quasi or otherwise. Oh, and I thought we already had hall monitors. I take it Englewood teachers are not assigned hall duty. Lucky, Lucky. More time for preparation?

Culinary Arts Program 
This course of study is not in the budget. A kitchen must be created in which the class will be taught. I am not saying that this should not be taught, but that the teacher must be certified and the course must be approved. So did anything get State approval yet? The Title must be approved by the state. The course and curriculum must also be approved. Where is the curriculum? Who is going to write it? Will there be a curriculum? The teacher that this program was tailor made for must also go back to school and earn the 30 credits towards the standard certification that is required. She has 2 years to accomplish this. The taxpayer is basically going to pay for the training of an unqualified person to become qualified to teach while the person is teaching our children. We hope that the district is going to put together a mentoring program to train this teacher as well as all of the other new hires that do not hold standard certifications. Parents, remember that NCLB allows you to  legally question the certification of your child's teacher without repraisal. It is way past time to ask questions. Do you have any questions?
Family and consumer sciences: Foods, nutrition and food science: This endorsement authorizes the holder to teach nutrition, individual and family food preparation, food science, managing time and resources related to food preparation, and exploration of careers in foods and nutrition related occupations.
6A:9-9.1 Authorizations – general - pages 124 - 125
Special Education & Alternative School
He alluded to  the fact that Special Education students were coming back to the district. Exactly what does this mean? He also said that they were moving right along with the Alternative School for middle school students. This school already has 16 students with 2 parents saying no to the idea. Has this school been approved by the state yet? State law says an Alternative School must be housed in a separate facility and have different staff and administrators than the regular school. It has very specific instructions for Alternative Education Programs. Has the program been approved by the state? Is our board of education leaving itself open to 16 lawsuits?
6A:16-9.1 Establishment of alternative education programs
6A:16-9.2 Program criteria
6A:16-9.3 Student placements

Spending the money
21 new hires were presented to the board of education. Dr. Carlisle made his same excuse about not being able to find African American teachers.This writer wonders where the money is coming from since these new hires were not included in the budget. They are also not included in the Master Schedule. It was August 18th. Surely the Master Schedule has already been made. The schedule is generally made in May or June. Where are all of these new teachers going? Approximately 35 teachers left at the end of the year. Those 35 were replaced long ago. These are extras. Where is the money coming from? Are they even needed?

The Threats Continue
To top it off  he threatened the new young teachers. He said that if anyone decided to take a job closer to home after accepting one in Englewood that  he would call the new Superintendent and tell what they did. Now was that necessary? Dr. Carlisle is known for making threats. The nurses spoke up for themselves at a meeting and at the next meeting he threatened to outsource nurses. This is an interesting almost Chief School Administrator we have here. We are losing state aid in order to keep him and pay him over CAP. He talked about an Assistant Superintendent search, but I see no evidence that a search is being conducted. I was impressed with only one new hire. He stayed until the board adjourned for private session. I shook his hand and thanked him for staying. "It is my duty to stay," he said.

East lawn of Grieco Elementary
directly across the street from
the proposed 4,100 sq. ft shed.
This is also a flood zone.

Invasion of the Wetlands
Dr. Carlisle spoke briefly about the planned maintenance shed to be constructed on the "Wetlands" in back of the Little League Field. We will hear more of this since the proposed location is within the flood zone as designated by the State. Check this list of flood areas in the City of Englewood. Durie Avenue Park is the location of Grieco Elementary school, which is in the midst of the flood zone. They have already constructed a massive building on green space in the middle of a flood zone. Now they are all set to destroy the most lush greenery in all of Englewood. I wonder how the Little League Sponsors will feel when they are informed of the fact that some of their customers are getting their basements flooded so the little ball players will have a bathroom in a maintenance shed? What ever happened to providing a high quality porta john? Little League Baseball is a seasonal sport. It rains all year long.

Privilege of the floor -
The public was given 30 minutes to speak. The time had been decided upon before the meeting.The board president limited the number of people who could speak to 10, giving each person 3 minutes on the clock. The first speaker was not an Englewood resident. She spoke on behalf of the JCC of Tenafly. The first 4 speakers spoke about this music program. Mr. Matthews questioned the feasibility of paying someone (friend of a board member) over $25,000.00 to find speakers who will speak for free during a lecture series. Ms. Matos wanted to know why the older buildings at Quarles are still not air conditioned. She also asked the board to help fund the After School Program. The author reminded them that each new hire with a CE or CEAS must be issued a provisional certificate within 20 days of this handshake and acceptance of employment. They were reminded that they must also have a mentoring program in place in order to train these novice teachers. The $26,000.00 sign at DMHS was questioned. The board was asked to reinstate the music program that was abolished by resolution years ago. This present board did not seem to have knowledge of any resolution regarding the music program.

It was after 1am when the board returned to the floor. Many of the items that included surpurfulous spending were removed from the agenda. These things were to be revisited at a later date. Mr. Stephen Brown surprised everyone by voting NO on the $26,000 sign at DMHS. I was impressed when he said that his answer would always be no. Glenn Garrison was visibly upset by the vote to table the vote on the sign. He suggested that the Academy was the only thing that they marketed about the Campus and that it should even have a different address than DMHS.

This author has noticed that McKay Park has 2 lovely Little
League Baseball fields. One is even rather modern in that it is
covered with state of the Art turf .
The one above is destined to be underwater more often
than now once the massive shed is constructed adjacent to it.