The terms in the lease are not favorable to the taxpayers of Englewood. It is also not favorable to the teachers and the children in the building.
Why are we paying over $300,000.00 a year to rent yet another substandard building? I thought we had a money problem. Is this further evidence of the spending problem? Why is it so important to keep the children separate? What happens if no more children transgress to a degree that they must be placed there? There are rumors that some students are there because they uttered curse words and others because their pants hung down below their boxers.
Behind a chain link fence are children capable of learning as well as any others. Why? |
Inside all of the subterfuge we find another problem. The Law says that taxpayer money shall not be used to improve or renovate property that does not belong to the Board of Education. What about property that is owned by an Archdiocese? That is the epitome of mixing Church and State. There are repairs and renovations going on right now that are contrary to the law that ruled in the case below.
In Wildwood Crest, Cape May County the Board of Ed was simply improving a sidewalk owned by the City.
Petitioning Board contested the Department’s determination (resulting from an audit) that petitioner exceeded its authority in purchasing materials for the construction of a sidewalk on property not owned by the school district and in waiving the Borough’s obligation to pay contaminated soil removal costs in return for labor which was supplied for such sidewalk construction.
The ALJ found that the legislative scheme permits a school district to improve its own
property but not that of the municipality. Therefore, the ALJ found that a school district may not expend public funds to construct a sidewalk improvement on property which is not owned by the board but is municipally-owned in order to jointly develop and construct a recreational field. Thus, the ALJ concluded that there is no statutory authority that would permit the Board to make the sidewalk improvement in question at its expense."
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My Father would call this jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. I think I would like to see the paperwork that alters the Long Range Facilities Plan and adds this new substandard facility. Speaking of the contents of that Long Range Facilities Plan. How many schools do we have again?
Why? |
Why is it so difficult for this Board of Education to follow the law? Two lawyers sit behind that long table during Board meetings.
How are the children?
Speaking Truth to Power,is, Invigorating. Knowledge is Empowerment. Justice Shall Prevail and We Will Teach and Lead Our Children by Example!