Friday, September 25, 2015

And Now, Some Good News...

Attention Englewood Residents:

There is only one more School Board Meeting before the November School Board Elections.

October 15 is the last regularly scheduled School Board Meeting before the November 3 elections. You have 38 days to decide how you are going to vote.

Do you even know who is running to fill the 3 member's terms that are up?

Are you planning to vote?

Do you have any idea what is at stake?

Have you seen any mention of this extremely important event in the newspapers? 

Have you gotten any Literature in the mail or attached to your doorknob drawing your attention to this very important election?

The following School Board Member's terms have expired and all 3 are running for re-election.

Howard Haughton, current President
He has served 1 term, 3 years

Henry Pruitt III, 9 + years, 3

Molly Craig-Berry
1 term, 3 years

The 3 incumbents ran together in 2012,
the year that outsourcing
changed the face of the School District.

George Garrison III is competing against his former Board Members in hopes of returning to the School Board. Mr. Garrison has previously served 2 terms and was School Board President for 2 of those years.

George Garrison III
A little backstory.........
George Garrison III ran on the 2014 ticket with current School Board Member Betty Griffin and Kevin Lake in 2014. Only Betty Griffin was elected that year.

In 2014, voters returned SEEK Outsource champions Glenn Garrison and Stephen Brown to the Board. It was the first School Board Election held in November. It was not a shining hour for voters in Englewood. It is hoped that more Englewood Residents will exercise the privilege of voting this year. A 70 million dollar budget is controlled by these elected officials. Since the School Board Elections moved to November, the public is no longer able to vote on the School Budget as in the past.

This Taxpayer is wondering if moving the elections to November, where it is swallowed up by the partisan machine, is obscuring the importance of the event. Please remember that School Board Elections are non-partisan and have nothing (on the surface) to do with political Party Affiliations.  There are no Republicans and Democrats when voting for School Board Candidates.

Is serving on the Englewood School Board becoming less attractive? 

Where are the Candidates?

Look for announcements of Candidate Forums. Debates are more important than ever before since all Candidates are basically incumbents.

During the year that Glenn Garrison and Stephen Brown were
not on the School Board, members actually embraced the training offered to them by the New Jersey School Boards Association. We, the Taxpayers pay the NJSBA $26,000 per year to train, advise and generally protect our School Board Members from frivolous lawsuits by training them to serve according to the laws of the state of New Jersey. 

In the last 2 years, the Board has been functioning more as policy makers and less as micro managers. Mr. Haughton has become a President who understands his role of presiding over meetings. He worked better with Dr. Carlisle and supported the cause of preparing students in summer PARCC Camp for the online standardized PARCC test that was introduced in 2014. We are waiting for the results of this test now. It is still not clear whether terribly low test scores in the high school will force our Focus School into the designation of Priority School instead of raising us up to become the desired Reward School.

Stephen Brown has demonstrated that he is uncomfortable not being in charge. It appears he does not play well with others unless he is in charge. His presidency in 2012 represented one of the most contentious and turbulent periods in Englewood School Board history. Over 100 employees were outsourced and their jobs eliminated in order to save money and to break the union. Did we save money? What happened to the services that were degraded by outsourcing? Harley Ungar, the then VP 
June 7, 2012
It was very important to some Englewood Residents that the
Paraprofessionals understand that they did not rate a Union.
One Englewood Resident actually suggested to me that
these single women with children should not have a union
because they were single. I told him that I was once
a single woman with a child and in a union.
of the Board said that they expected a degradation in services. 

In class Instructional Support was destroyed when Instructional Paraprofessionals trained, as per the law, were fired and the position was abolished. Did we save money?
We certainly did not hire better, more Highly Qualified personnel. We are concerned, not only with the Academic Success of our children, but also with their Health and Safety.

How has outsourcing impacted the Academic Success of Englewood children?  It is a question that needs answering. Since their return to the School board, both Stephen and Glenn have participated in voting that seems contrary to the objective of improving the Academic Success of the children in the District. One wonders how long this behavior will continue. 

Interim Superintendent Michael Roth 
made the first and only Educational Proposal based on Data Driven Evidence and research that has been presented to the public in many years October of last year. It chronicled the downward spiral in the test scores of Englewood students since 2006 when the schools were reorganized. He speaks to the fact that students practically "fall off a cliff" at the end of 3rd grade. That proposal is collecting dust. During Roth's year in District, we saw the flickering of a school board that functioned with the needs of the students coming first. The problems in Elementary Education connected to Math and Reading Comprehension must be addressed. 

We witnessed a different and much more healthy relationship between the School Board and the Professional Educational Leader, that we pay, beginning to develop. We wish M. Roth well in retirement. We would like to see this new and different direction of the School Board continue with the new Superintendent. 

Some good news.......We have a New Superintendent......An Educator is coming............

September 17, a new Superintendent was hired.

Mr. Kravitz was introduced to the public on Sept. 17. 2015
Robert Kravitz, who currently serves as Superintendent in Englewood Cliffs was hired on September 17, 2015 with a unanimous vote of approval. Dr. Michelle James is currently serving as Acting Superintendent.
  • Huffington post describes our new Superintendent as an Educator, Entrepreneur, and Author. Read his philosophy on what we are doing in education as published June 16, 2014

Monday, September 7, 2015

Read Out Englewood!

Have you Pre-Registered your child for this event? 
There is still time. Use this  link and Pre-Register online. 

Or Pre-Register at Ebenezer Baptist Church
Mon - Fri. 10 am - 4 pm

Register at the event to participate in our Junior Classroom Style Spelling Bee.

                                        Help us "fill a bus" with School Supplies.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Summer Packets

My grandson's newest little saying is "don't judge me"
This is his answer for everything.

Today, the 4th grader and 1st grader were trying very hard not to work on their summer packets for school. I asked my grandson, the 1st grader what his new Teacher would think of him if he did not hand in his summer packet completed.

He cocked his head to one side, raised his left eyebrow, touched his finger to his lips and asked a serious question.

"Are you trying to say that she is going to judge me, grandma?"

When I said yes, that is exactly what she is going to do, he started to work until he had only one page left. Whatever it takes.....because we all know that is exactly what the teachers are going to do.

To all teachers:
Make sure you collect those packets. That is the very first homework from your new young students. You are the one who ultimately makes homework meaningful. If you never acknowledge, collect, correct or just use check marks, they know that you place no value on the work that you are giving them to complete at home.

He sends this to his new teacher.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Will STEM Education Help Achieve Reward School STATUS?


Grants like this one from the NJSBA are totally ignored by EPSD. We pay a healthy salary to an Administrator supposedly to write Grants for the District. When is the last time we actually got a Grant that benefited all of Englewood's children?

Why do we continue to allow EPSD to avoid STEM Education? Last year, the idea was proposed by the DMHS Principal and a backlash ensued that created such an uproar, from out of town parents, that we had to re-focus our attention on preventing the Superintendent and the BOE from transferring this Principal to the Elementary School. All he did was make a proposal that benefits all Englewood children. That my friends is called "intimidation" in the real world.

Is EPSD a failure Factory? The entire Educational World is embracing STEM/STEAM Education, yet Englewood plods along using the same old failing strategies as for the last 15 years educating only about 15% of the children. Are your children in that 15%? Google STEM Education and you will see that I am not exaggerating.
Where does that leave our children?

It is time to demand STEM Education for children pre k - 12 for ALL Englewood children.

Everyone fights for a raise. Who fights for our children?

Answer: There is no invisible force out there fighting for our children. Parents cannot depend on EPSD employees to fight for our children. When one stands up one is put in a room with no windows (with the objective that one will quit and go away) and told to shut up and use some tact. Do we need tact or Academic success for all children? If we don't fight for our own children, no one will.
  • Failure is inevitable. It is already upon us. Our high school is still a FOCUS SCHOOL. 
  • Next step on the failure trail is to become a PRIORITY School. 
Becoming a PRIORITY School moves away from the positive, which is to become a Reward School. 

PRIORITY SCHOOL DESIGNATION means the state may come in and break up our high school like Weequahic in Newark. Last I heard, Weequahic is now 4 Charters. Students living across the Street from (Weequahic) their former high school must now apply to the charters. If refused, they must find another school someplace else to attend. Charters may refuse students. That is the main reason that it is unfair to compare Charters to Public Schools. Public Schools cannot refuse students who satisfy resident requirements. How many Charters do you think Dwight Morrow High School can accommodate?  Does anyone within yelling distance want DMHS to be taken over and divided into Charters?

Next Englewood Public School District
Board of Education Meeting
Thursday, August 13, 2015
8:00 pm
Grieco Elementary School

STEM Education for all. Science, Technology, Engineering, Math

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Work At Home Must Supplement, NOT Supplant Work At School


A Series of Books is NOT a Reading Program.
A series of books is simply part of the materials list used in the Reading Program's Curriculum.

In each Curriculum, Projected Resources must be listed. The Reading Series are Resources.

A Reading Program is Curriculum inclusive of this Series of "Readers" that are vertically aligned to match the Literacy Curriculum.

This Literacy Curriculum includes units, week to week and day to day lessons with individual and classroom hands on activities. This Curriculum includes activities that address all learning styles of all children. This is called Differentiated Teaching or Instruction and Learning. It insures that your child will not be LEFT BEHIND, BECAUSE HE OR SHE LEARNS DIFFERENTLY. It reaches out to each student's individual ability and builds from there. Development of this program must be left to and demanded of the Professionals, not School Board Members. School Board Members have not been trained and do not have the information or the expertise to make the decisions. The School Board Member's job is to create policy based on the LAW and Legislation that mandates the creation of programs that address the Academic needs of ALL students. They are further tasked with the responsibility to make certain that the Professionals adhere to such policy.

It is a vertical Program that goes from Pre K - 8th grade or whatever the creators decide. Parents should be able to tell very

quickly whether or not the child has met or exceeded grade level without a diagnostic test. A quality Reading Program provides Teachers with a road map. Back in the day, when Professionals were allowed to do their jobs and the hard work of good teachers was rewarded with great students, teachers were trusted to create this Curriculum.

It will encourage ALL children to become better readers and better students. Even

the children who have parents who think their children have gotten the best are missing out on a world of information and practice when a School District does not have a VERTICALLY ALIGNED AND ARTICULATED Pre k - 8 Reading Program. (Check the language in your QSAC mandates from the state.)

We, as Parents, Grandparents, Guardians, Clergy, Politicians, Everybody has a responsibility to fight for the children's right to quality Reading Instruction. It is what will make our Society strong and keep the jail cells empty.

If it feels like your school district is forcing you to teach your children to read, they probably are. Work with your children at

home is supposed to supplement what happens at school, not supplant (replace) it. Remember that. Supplement, not supplant.
Avid Readers make better Cops, Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Foreign Policy Makers, Congressman, Legislators, Senators, Firemen, Plumbers, Electricians, Farmers School Board Members and Presidents. I am sure you get the picture. If not, get a clue.

Reading is more fundamental than ever before. Do not allow your school district to down play the teaching of reading. There is no getting away from the fact that there will be standardized tests. If

not PARCC, then some other. The test will not only assess reading skill, it will assess mastery of English Grammar. Question whether or not this is being taught. 

Do this for your children. 
Do this for your country that is lagging behind other countries where English is not even the first language.

Math is a Language that cannot be championed without adequate reading skills. The TEST that will determine the rest of your child's life is given in ENGLISH. Students must Read to Write to Communicate to Survive.

Ask questions. Make sure that the Diagnostic used in your School District is not assessing something that has NOT been taught. That is unfair to your child and his/her Teachers. It is unfair to all of the Professionals that we pay. Make sure that your child's Teacher knows him/her and is not just making flowery comments to satisfy the job of creating a Report Card. 

Demand Accountability from everyone, including yourselves.

Join the Crusade to create better Readers.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

SCHOOL CHOICE: What Extra Money?

Key words: "extra money"The State of New Jersey gives a School District $10,500 per student in School Choice Funds. As long as the students are integrated into the population of the school without adding programs designed just for them, all is well.
Problems arise when the out of district students and their parents demand to be "segregated academically", recognized as different schools, and educated in different buildings from the home district students.

Problems arise when it becomes clear that money is being drained away from the entire home district in order to support a program financially that caters to out of district students and their parents. At DMHS, the "Extended Day" and the "late bus" add extra expenditures that make the educational model far too expensive. It should be evaluated and changed. This change should have been made in 2009. The problem grows more deeply into the fabric of the school, every year the situation is not addressed.

Then we come down to the real problem. Why do School Choice parents want their children to attend a FOCUS School (a school in danger of failing)? Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that they may have a sanctioned Apartheid Education without having to deal with opposition in their own districts. School Choice has wreaked havoc in Dwight Morrow High School in Englewood, NJ. Contrary to the situations described in the article, there is no extra money. There is extra apathy.

It cost over $21,000 to educate a student in Englewood last year. According to the article, the state gave Choice Districts $10,500 per student? Do the Math. Who paid the rest? The residents of Englewood paid the rest. We, the residents of Englewood are paying "extra" to have our high school segregated academically. In the article, the Fort Lee parent spoke of STEM. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) She chose to send her son to Bergenfield, because of the STEM education program.

We tried to convince our Board to create a STEM program at Dwight Morrow high school. School Choice Program parents and an elite few Englewood Parents screamed in opposition. It was not very pretty. They were clear that they wanted Academic Segregation and did not care about the decaying climate and culture of our high school. They are not concerned about the academic achievement of the entire high school population. Some of the parents demanded that the entire high school administration be removed for suggesting a plan that would cause them to lose their identity within our school population. It brings these words to mind...when in Rome....

In every other School in New Jersey that accepts School Choice students, there is a profit. In Englewood, there is a deficit.

One parent, who lives in Englewood Cliffs (and DMHS has been their HS 50 years or more) suggested that we were trying to play on the same basketball court as Michael Jordan. He said that we could have tea, coffee or go to after party with Michael Jordan, but never be on basketball court in his way.

The Flip side of that argument is that Scottie Pippin and other teammates helped Michael Jordan shine and become the billionaire that he is today.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Our Schools Are In Crisis: Life In the Petri Dish

Beginning March 2, 2015 children in grades 3 -11 will take a standardized online test called the PARCC. 

It is extremely important that all families understand the enormous change that is coming about in the lives of our children. Your children will be anxious and will need your love and understanding more than ever before. The information in this post is intended to provide you with the information currently available about the experiment that is the PARCC online standardized test.  

Save and read these documents thoroughly.

This is the latest OFFICIAL update on the PARCC from the NJ Department of Education. It contains comparisons between the PARCC TEST and the ones your children took in the past. (NJASK, HSPA) A letter from David Hespe, Commissioner of Education State of New Jersey.

PARCC refusal information is included from the Statewide organization.
If you are not refusing the Test, you must still actively participate in order to help your child do well. Please share this email with your friends and neighbors. 
  • Your children will need more rest and support during this crucial time. Help them reduce this inevitable stress. You know what makes your child feel happy and secure.
  • Experts agree that teenagers and young children need 8-10 hours of sleep in order to be well rested and ready to perform.
  • If you transport your children to school, make sure that they are on time.They should get up earlier.
  • They should eat a good breakfast with as little sugar as possible.
  • If your child eats breakfast at school and takes the bus, pay close attention to the bus schedule. Make sure that the bus gets your child to school early enough to eat a breakfast low in sugar. A hungry child will not do well on the test.
  • Understand that the young children may not know how to communicate their feelings of stress and anxiety. (Grades 3-11 will be tested online.) 
  • The test will last several days. Check the calendar.
  • Look for signs of stress and allow your children time to decompress when they come home from school. A good cup of hot chocolate or whatever makes your child feel loved and nurtured will go a long way in helping them feel more confident.
  • Random hugs and kisses will definitely ease the anxiety.
  • Please plan ahead. 
This is the link to Englewood's corrected PARCC standardizd testing schedule.  Check this calendar on the Englewood Public School District Website regularly. Contact your child's school if you have problems.

UPDATED: Graduation Requirements for the classes of 2016, 2017, and 2018

A List of Refusals by County
Step by Step Refusal Information

Pearson's Test Coordinator Manual For Teachers

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Frederick Douglass

                             "...And how are the children?"

Friday, February 6, 2015

HERE AND NOW: Please Move Their Seats!

I would like to officially ask 
Howard Haughton,
President of the Englewood 
School Board

that he require Glenn Garrison 
and Stephen Brown sit apart 
at school Board

It is distracting to 
the public and disrespectful to 
the Chair for these 2
School Board Members to continue 
to have their own little meeting 
within the Public Meeting.

This behavior is in violation of the
New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act.

Mr. Haughton. Please move their seats!.... They are like 2 children in a classroom who crave
attention. The behavior is annoying and impairs one's ability to concentrate on the content of the meeting. It is also insulting since they appear to sleep through public comments.

New Jersey's Open Public Meetings Act        "The Sunshine Law"

"New Jersey’s Open Public Meetings Act, known as “The Sunshine Law,” is designed to ensure that decision-making government bodies in the state conduct their businesses in public except in specific circumstances where exclusion of the public is needed to protect the privacy of individuals, the safety of the public or the effectiveness of government in such areas as negotiations or investigations."
In other words, all of that whispering during School Board Meetings is inappropriate
bordering on illegal.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What is Autonomy?

Betty Griffin is sworn in by the Business Administrator, as is the custom in EPSD Reorganization Meetings. She is supported by her family? Whatever happened to the Press staying out of the photo? This was a photo opp for the man with the long gray hair?  He was annoying.
Full Definition of AUTONOMY
1: the quality or state of being self-governing; especially : the right of self-government
Mayor Huttle swears in Stephen Brown
2: self-directing freedom and especially moral independence
3: a self-governing state
See autonomy defined for English-language learners »
See autonomy defined for kids »
Examples of AUTONOMY
a teacher who encourages individual autonomy
The territory has been granted autonomy.
The Catalans take the matter of their language
very seriously; it is an outward indication of their
autonomy, of their distinction from the rest of Spain. —Polly Evans, It's Not About the Tapas, 2006
Mayor Huttle swears in Glenn Garrison.
Origin of AUTONOMY (see autonomous) First Known Use: circa 1623
Related to AUTONOMY
Synonyms accord, free will, choice, self-determination, volitionwill
Antonyms dependence (also dependance), heteronomy,subjection, unfreedom+]more

Autonomy in Englewood: The most obvious sign of autonomy in Englewood is the fact that the Budget of the School Board is separate from the budget of the Municipality. The City collects our tax dollars and most of it (over 60%) goes to the School District. Even though the money comes from the same pot (taxpayers). It is separate from the money used by the Municipality to pay for other services. The School Board is supposed to function independently from the City of Englewood. The New Jersey School Boards Association trains, or is supposed to train our school board members.

In 2011, I asked our Mayor his opinion on the situation that existed when we had a Superintendent who was not approved by the state and whom our School Board was paying above the state mandated salary CAP. I told him about the Mayor of Parsippany who publicly urged the School Board to follow the law and cut the Superintendent's salary.  Our School Board Attorney was also the Board Attorney for Parsippany during this time.

Mayor Frank Huttle III assured me that the City has absolutely nothing to do with the School Board. Too my knowledge, he never publicly addressed the situation. He told me on several occasions that the School Board and the City function separately. I became really tired of hearing the word Autonomous, because that is not what I saw and it is not what I see now.

In City Council Meetings, the 3rd Ward Councilman seizes every available moment to praise our School Board as the best on the planet. No one is even allowed to complain about the school board. We have witnessed this same Councilman tell reporters what their next headlines will be where the school district is concerned. Meanwhile, our high school has been designated a Focus School (low achieving) and our test scores in Math and Literacy have been consistently falling since at least 2006. As long as publishes articles that show the district in a good light, these elected officials and others are totally satisfied. IMAGE is the thing.

January 7, 2015 - The Englewood School  Board is Re-Organized
Those of you who did not attend the Reorganization of the Englewood Public School Board missed a rare show of unity and might from City Officials. The Bully Factor was alive and well and in the House. The Meeting was partially turned over to Frank Huttle III, who swore in the candidates that he supported. He invited the Board of Education to dinner so he could "Pay To Play." Very interesting. Howard Haughton explained at the end of the meeting that the Candidates had been given a choice as to whom they wanted to swear them in. Why were they given a choice? He explained that it was not illegal for the Mayor to swear in Board Members. It is not illegal, but is it appropriate? Are we beginning a new tradition with no pretense of separation of City and School Board?
Did Stephen and Glenn decline the services of the Business Administrator in training
in order to help the Mayor kick off his campaign for re-election? So who is the boss?  Who is on First? I am confused. The Superintendent did not speak. The Business Administrator's resignation becomes effective June 30, 2015.
Eugene Skurnick continued to make sure that we Peons understood whom he supports. The Press were so annoying in blocking shots of the action from the audience that I started taking photos of Mr. Skurnick taking photos. 
The Third Ward Kitchen Cabinet/SEEK was in attendance. The Former Mayor Sondra Greenberg, The Gadfly, Suze Gamrin, the Liberals of old have dropped in number, but not in arrogance. The Mayor offered the Board of Education dinner and promised that they will not speak of school business. As if. At the same time he suggested that he is the one who will save the EPSD by finding a Superintendent. Keep in mind that hiring a Superintendent is the most important job of a School Board.
Eugene Skurnick once suggested that we old ones talk too much about what we want and that the young ones should make more of the decisions.
Okay, so why must we listen to him ramble on in a soliloquy about how Education used to be when his children attended school in Englewood? Change has come over the years. No manner of wishing will take things back to the way they used to be. These are the good old days and we must make the best of them for all of the children, not just the ones they want to teach.
The school District has changed. Our grandchildren will not be able to meet the challenges of a global society because key elected officials keep their fingers in the mix instead of allowing the professionals that we pay to do their jobs. 
SEEK Board Members STILL prevent 2 of their fellow Board Members from fulfilling their oath. For over a year we have been watching these Board Members sit out of Closed Session. 
The problems facing the Englewood Public School District will not be solved by the interference of Assemblymen or Mayors. The situation will not improve because the local publications sanitize the news. 
Our children are not being prepared as well as children from other school districts and that is a fact. At some point neglect becomes sabotage. Failure did not begin in 2013. Education and Children have not been a priority in this School District for many years. As a matter of fact, scores have been continually dropping since the referendum. No amount of wishing, turning a blind eye or head sticking in sand will change that. We are waiting with Baited Breath for Glenn Garrison, Stephen Brown and Henry Pruitt to do something really creative and positive that will increase the test scores of our children. They have all been in control for over a decade.

We the People want all of our elected Board Members to Participate fully. 
We will not be hushed.
Looking for Real Autonomy.

Student Participation in the Statewide Assessment Program

Frequently asked questions about Common Core State Standards