Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Martin Luther King, Jr. Maquette Finds A Permanent Home

Gearing  up for the Campaign
These 3 Englewood School Board Candidates
attended the Celebration and Presentation of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Maquette to the 
Englewood Public Library by the Mayor and Assemblywoman Valerie V. Huttle.

George Garrison III, Betty Griffin, Kevin Lake pose in front of the
Maquette of Martin Luther King, Jr. created by the Artist Richard Blake
and commissioned by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Monument Committee.
The Commissioned work of Art will be unveiled on Sunday, October 12, 2014
at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
November 19, 2013
The Artist, Richard Blake poses with
his work at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
November 19, 2013

May 20, 2014
The Maquette arrived in Englewood.

May 20, 2014
4th Ward Council Wayne Hamer delivers the
Maquette to the Mayor to be presented to the
Library at a later date.

May 20, 2014
He won the bidding war. His opponent wanted the
Maquette for Teaneck High School. They have a
Multicultural Studies Center that contains an
African & African American Studies Center.
Englewood does not have anything
that remotely resembles that, yet.

May 20, 2014
The Maquette was informally presented to the Director of the
Englewood Public Library.
September 28, 2014
The Marquette is formally presented to the Englewood Public Library.
Theodora Lacey, Assemblywoman Valerie Huttle, Mayor Frank Huttle III and Arnold Brown
At the risk of getting stoned later, this writer sincerely hopes that this is not the last we hear of this Maquette and what it means to the people of Englewood. It is hoped that the Armistad Curriculum will be dusted off and actually used in the classrooms in the District. We embrace the idea that this will infuse renewed interest in making sure that African & African American History is not ignored or changed to suit the teacher who happens to occupy the seat at the time. 

Some of us happen to believe that Martin would have been more interested in how his life's sacrifice translates into the classrooms of America. I believe, that the man embodied in the monument would be most happy to know that our schools have become places where all little children will live, play, laugh, study and learn in educational environments where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, zip code or parent's bank account, but by the content of their character.

- Vote November 4, 2014 - Make the Dream A Reality -

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Public School Parents Must be Involved in the High Stakes Testing Hearings!

Reblogged from Save Our Schools NJ.... 

Please click here to let Governor Christie and NJ Education Commissioner Hespe know that the commission they are creating to review testing in New Jersey must include public school parents concerned about high-stakes testing, and that the commission must hold public hearings across the state.  

The commission will be appointed soon and we want the Governor and Commissioner to know that the people of New Jersey are watching!

Thanks to your calls, emails, letters and testimony, A3081/S2154 (the anti high-stakes standardized testing legislation), received overwhelming, bipartisan support in the New Jersey Assembly (74 yes; 4 no; 2 abstentions), and was poised for an equally strong, bipartisan vote in the New Jersey Senate (the legislation has 5 Republican and 8 Democratic Senate sponsors).
The A3081/S2154 legislation would create an independent, expert task force that includes public school parents, to hold statewide public hearings and thoroughly examine alternatives to high-stakes standardized testing; student data privacy concerns; implementation and cost of the new PARCC test and Common Core; and teacher evaluation.  The legislation also freezes for at least two years all the punishments associated with the PARCC test, for students, teachers and public schools.

Instead of agreeing to sign A3081/S2154, Governor Christie issued an executive orderUnlike the legislation, the executive order is very limited in its scope.  It calls for a quick review of "the quality and effectiveness of student assessments administered to K-12 students" and "recommendations on the volume, frequency, and impact of those assessments" and of the Core Curriculum Content Standards.
The executive order also gives Governor Christie complete control over who serves on the commission and does not require that public school parents be involved, or that the process include any public input. 

Please click here to let Governor Christie and Education Commissioner Hespe know that the people of New Jersey are watching and expect the commission to hold statewide public hearings to enable commission members to hear from New Jersey residents; and that the commission must include public school parents who are concerned about high-stakes standardized testing.

Your energy and passion are why the A3081/S2154 legislation moved so quickly and with so much bipartisan support.  This is only the first step in a broader campaign against high-stakes standardized testing.  Please stay tuned for information regarding additional legislation and other actions.
Thank you!

                                              How are the Children?

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Academy Way: Is There a Super Hero In Your Mirror?

The Parent Partnership Association (Academy Parents mostly from out of town) are still calling for the removal of the high school Principal and Administration. They have some nerve to complain that the Assistant Principal does not exist online. They complained that he is not prominent on the Englewood Public School District website. It seems they want someone famous. Wow.

Now that is really reaching. Mr. Armental does not maintain the website. These people have been endowed with too much power. They are making demands that should be ignored. They are costing us an awful lot of money. No one has been able to show where Englewood Cliffs pays to educate their children at all. That needs to end. We are paying to educate their children and they are demonizing ours.

Did you know that teachers in the North building (the main building with the tower) are not allowed to teach honors courses?

Did you know that if a child from Englewood does not wish to declare a major in the 8th grade that they set themselves up to be chastised, demonized and looked down upon for the rest of their high school careers. Academy students must choose a major and stick with it through graduation. They have no choice. It takes more courage to just say "No" than to backstab any and everyone in order to be accepted.

Any Englewood Resident students who excel in subjects must be subjected to the Academy Way. Only Academy teachers are allowed to teach honors. How many of you think they are better teachers than DMHS teachers? If all of you raised your hands, you are right. They are not. It is a known fact that the Academy way discriminates against Englewood students.

Academy teachers have been allowed to reject STEM Education Programs when the entire world is embracing STEM Education.

Academy teachers are resistant to change. The program is 12 years old and has undergone very little change except that they have squandered over 30 million dollars and lost funding. Now the entire district suffers because of the Academy Way. They are stagnate, old fashioned and some are plain old lazy. There it is...

Academy teachers and out of town Parents have been allowed to have too much power. They are above the law. In any other School district their actions would be deemed insubordination. Increments (raises) would be withheld and teachers would be brought up on tenure charges. In Englewood, they are heroes, because the people you elected indulge them. You are paying them to dis you and your children every single day. That is the Academy Way.

Why do 5 members of our Board of Education allow teachers to run the entire district into the ground. The Academy Way is ruining the education of Englewood students all the way down to Pre-Kindergarten. Your tax dollars is funding this indulgence. Howard Haughton and his supporters must be called upon to justify this obvious slight of Englewood voters.

Out of town Academy Parents stand up for their "Academic Segregation". They have been indulged by

people that you elected. They have been funded by your tax dollars and based on their actions, they despise you and your children.

When are Englewood Academy Parents going to stand up for Equal Opportunity in Education for their own children?  

You may begin by demanding the dismissal of the teacher sleeping on the table during the school day that has gone viral among students, teachers, administrators, parents, community members and school board members. Who knows, it may have been during her preparation period and she is allowed to catch a nap during that time. What is good for one is good for another. It is time you started to collect information and to fight for yourselves and your children. There is no Superman or Batman waiting in the wings to lead you. You must find the heroes in your own mirrors. You have more reason to protest than they do. You also have more power. It is time you started to use it.  Stop the vicious cycle. Protest with the full force of your being. It is a Civil Rights Violation of every single child in the district. It is illegal. It is damaging your children. It is against Englewood's own school policy that must be enforced by the Superintendent of Schools.

We need a leader. We need a good Superintendent who can shut these people down. They are running our school district and damaging our children.

Hang in there, Mr. Armental and DMHS Administration. There are more of us who think these folks are crazy than anyone hopes. The program is not sustainable in its present state. It has never been evaluated to determine whether it is doing anything positive for Englewood Residents. It is certainly NOT integrating DMHS. It is only helping the Special interest groups. The Haves and the Have Nots. What does that even mean in this town? The Academy Way is killing our school district. We see it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Building Positive School Climates

Building Positive School Climates

May/June, 2014 • Volume 44 • 6
ADL’s Making Diversity Count program can help reduce bullying and bias

Today’s youth live in an increasingly diverse country. The U.S. Department of Education reports that in 2013, 49 percent of K-12 public school students were students of color, compared to 39 percent in 2000. By 2021, projections show that number will increase to 53 percent of K-12 public school enrollment.
New Jersey mirrors the national trend. According to New Jersey Department of Education data, in 2000 40 percent of K-12 public school students were students of color. That percentage grew to 50 percent in 2013. However, diversity does not necessarily translate into inclusion and respect for differences. Bias, discrimination and identity-based bullying among youth persist and can escalate into violence.

According to the National Center of Education Statistics, 28 percent of students ages 12-18 have been bullied in school. Findings from the Teen Online and Wireless Safety Survey indicate that 24 percent of respondents report being cyberbullied during their lifetimes. Students’ identity or perceived identity, such as sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity and physical appearance, is often reported as a key motivator for bullying. One in 10 students reports that someone at school has used hate-related words against them and over a third have seen hate-related graffiti at school. These experiences are teaching young people that it is acceptable to exclude, demean and behave maliciously toward those considered different.

Forty-seven percent of high school students do not tell anyone if they are the target of bullying behavior. They remain silent for fear of retaliation or of being accused of tattling or snitching. They do not think adults will handle it well, reporting that adults either do nothing or their actions did not improve the situation.

In light of these trends and demonstrating its commitment to anti-bullying, New Jersey passed the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (P.L.2010, c.122) in January 2011, and amended in March 2012. This comprehensive bill established a strong statutory, regulatory, policy and program framework to support the prevention, remediation and reporting of harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) in schools.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), founded in 1913, is an organization that remains committed to combating anti-Semitism, bias and bigotry through advocacy and anti-bias education programs. ADL has been a long-time leader in the development of Pre-K-12 curriculum affirming diversity and addressing bias and prejudice in schools. More than a decade ago, ADL was among the first to recognize the threat of bullying and cyberbullying and to develop effective bullying prevention and intervention programs for educators, students, parents and the community.

One of the programs ADL offers to schools and school districts across the country is a comprehensive online anti-bias training course called Making Diversity Count. This easy-to-navigate, self-paced online course provides teachers, administrators, counselors and school staff with useful tools and information to improve school climate and build culturally responsive and inclusive classrooms that promote respect, fairness and equity.

The course offers educators practical skills for helping students develop effective response strategies when they or others are targets of bullying. Through video vignettes of classroom situations, participants witness various acts of bias in the classroom. They then practice ways to respond to the bias by choosing different solutions and seeing the resulting outcomes. They can click on expert advice tabs and listen to authorities in the field offer suggestions in how to handle difficult and often unexpected situations. They can complete interactive activities, participate in a moderated discussion board, write reflections in a journal, adapt lesson plans for use in their own classrooms, and customize an action plan to integrate multicultural practices into their teaching. Upon completion, participants receive a certificate for 15 professional development hours.

Topics covered in the course include: working through the challenges of diversity in the classroom, exploring personal and student identity, defining exclusive and insensitive language, creating culturally responsive classrooms, understanding value-laden conflicts and confronting bias, bullying and name calling.
Educators say that this course is unique because it provides clear and practical ways to handle uncomfortable conversations and challenging circumstances. One educator said, “The course is designed to engage teachers by presenting real and interesting scenarios that truly tested the way I think about and approach diversity in my classroom. Diversity should count and for me, this course helped me examine my own teaching and provide tangible ways to make it count.”

In recent course evaluations of Making Diversity Count, 84 percent of participants reported that the course gave them specific tools to help make their classrooms more inclusive and bias free, 86 percent stated that it showed them ways to be more proactive managing cross cultural communication and 87 percent said they would recommend Making Diversity Count to a colleague.

The comprehensive course includes nine modules and typically takes 12-15 hours to complete. ADL suggests that participants complete the course in 12-16 weeks, which amounts to a commitment of about one hour per week.

ADL offers the course to a school or district for their teachers for a nominal license fee. For more information, contact Andrea Topper 212-885-7837.

Andrea Topper is project director of ADL Making Diversity Count.

Source: New Jersey School Board Association Newsletter