(1) What are the attendance data for each school?
(2) And for the high school, what are the period-by-period attendance data?
(3) What are the teacher observation data for each school--is there any correlation between the high marks that teachers earn and student performance? Are teachers receiving stellar marks while there are glaring student performance deficits?
(4) What are the demographic data for the teachers along the areas of student performance?
(5) What are the data that measure the effectiveness of In-Service / Professional Development--how has student achievement improved or stagnated as a result?
(6) What are the data for the frequency of principals visiting classroom--not for formal observations, but to get a sense of what actually is going on in the schools?
(7) What are the data for the time allocated for collaboration among teachers of the same subject to share in best practices? (
(8) What are the data for the methodology of choosing principals for our schools to ensure that they are academic leaders and that they have the opportunity to share best practices with one another?
(9) What is the ecumenical outreach? What are the data regarding partnerships with our local houses of worship fostering their assistance in community outreach?
(10) What are the data regarding the delivery of support to our students who still are displaced from Hurricane Ida?
(11) Do the curricula guides exist and what fidelity is there to implementation? How is this measured?
(12) What is the per capita student spending and what is the itemized list of deliverables?
(13) With these troubling levels of performance, are individualized strategies indicated for each student, teacher, and administer?
(14) What are the strategies between the feeder and the receiver schools to ensure readiness as students transition from one campus to another?
(15) What are the data on teacher-student ratios? Are smaller class sizes indicated?