Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Are Our Schools In Crisis?: Putting It On the Line

"While there has been a litigation movement aimed at integrating the schools, there never has been a Civil Rights Movement around the issue of public education in this nation. We have struggled and died for equal toilets and lunch counters, the right to sit where we want on public conveyances and the right to vote, but never have we put it all on the line for the right of our children to be humanely and decently educated." 
Rose Sanders

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Does the District have a Highly Qualified Athletic Director?

Yvonne Sheard, AD
The New Jersey Administrative Code
The supervisor endorsement is required for both supervisors of instruction and
athletic directors who do not hold a standard principal’s endorsement. The
supervisor shall be defined as any school officer who is charged with authority
and responsibility for the continuing direction and guidance of the work of
instructional personnel. This endorsement also authorizes appointment as an
assistant superintendent in charge of curriculum and/or instruction.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

All Public NJ Employees must now live in New Jersey

For Your Information...Just doing my part as a member of  the Village.

S-1703/A-2478 is a bill which requires all new public employees in New Jersey to live in the state of New Jersey. An Act concerning residency requirements for public officers and employees and amending R.S.52:14-7. http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2010/Bills/PL11/70_.HTM

2011-2012 PROJECTED SFRA REVISED TOTAL K-12 STATE SCHOOL AID http://www.state.nj.us/educati​on/stateaid/1112/district.pdf


‎2010-11 Special Education Extraordinary Aid

How are the children?
Battleground:Education - Who's 'The Decider' for Public Schools? http://bigthink.com/ideas/39350

School Politics: Who Speaks for the Children? http://bigthink.com/ideas/39064

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Governor Christie's Reorganization of the NJ State Department of Education

Department of Education Adopts New Organization Structure
Signaling Focus on Comprehensive Reform

The New Jersey State Board of Education has 13 members who are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the New Jersey State Senate. These members serve without compensation for six-year terms. By law, at least three members of the State Board must be women, and no two members may be appointed from the same county

New Jersey State Board of Education Agenda

Office of the Commissioner, Acting Commissioner Cerf
The Commissioner of Education is the chief executive school officer of New Jersey and supervises all public schools. The Commissioner also has the following responsibilities:
  • serves as secretary to the State Board of Education;
  • develops code proposals for state board discussion and consideration;
  • apportions state aid to local districts;
  • administers regulations for classifying students with disabilities;
  • ensures that local districts adhere to all legal and state board requirements relating to school district operation; and conducts statewide tests.
NJ Department of Education Organization Strategy
Page One 
Page Two
Page Three

Old Does not Mean Dead, Unresponsive, Out of Touch or Unintelligent

For several months now, there have been rumblings about how someone should replace the 4th Ward Councilman here in Englewood.  It has been suggested that he is too old and out of touch. That was a concern, since the upper eschelon of the school officials, namely our almost Superintendent suggested that we retired teachers should keep our opinions to ourselves and leave the schools to the young. Is there now a trend of discarding the veterans, their knowledge, experiences and history?

Last night, I attended my first council meeting. Our main concern was that Englewood officials, for both the city and the schools may be squandering our tax dollars. We have been encouraging others to get involved in the school board and in the town so we took our own advice since the meeting did not conflict with a school board meeting.

We were warned of the dire budgetary circumstances that the City of Englewood faces. Translation, get ready for a property tax increase. This was made even more poignant when a Real Estate Resident pointed out that we at the bottom of the hill were assessed more of a percentage on our property taxes than the well to do folks up on the hill who own houses worth much more than our modest homes.

Ordinances were posted on the overhead that say nothing to the lay person except that the activity will cost X amount of tax dollars. It was calming to realize that others felt the same way. That is, that items should also be written in lay language so anyone may understand. The Mayor reminded us several times that he is Mayor and in control of the planning committee. (that also sounded familiar) Several Council People rambled on about pensions, salaries, and the deficit. Going through this writer's mind was why are we steadily spending and borrowing, spending, borrowing and hiring if we are in such dire circumstances financially.

One resident asked that the plaque at right that is located on the deterioating Lincoln School could be saved. I was concerned about the same thing months ago when I did a walking tour of the school buildings, taking note of how enormous the new additions have made the elementary schools. It makes one wonder why the authors of the "Master Plan" did not think of removing this cornerstone and incorporating it into the structure that is now the Grieco school since this school replaced Lincoln. I agree with the resident that suggested that this cornerstone on the corner of Lincoln school facing Englewood Ave and William Street should be saved and placed someplace where people may see these wise words. More people should take heed to the words engraved there.

It was not until the oldest, most experienced Council person spoke that any sense was brought to the proceedings. It was obvious that the wise old man knew what he was talking about. The body language of the entire Council changed as he spoke revealing what they had failed to address in their ramblimgs. He called himself a fiscal person and made specific comments about budget and hiring that were very easily understood. There was applause when he finished speaking. Not one of the others got the same response from the public.  It  makes one curious as to why so many folks want to see him leave his seat as 4th ward Councilman. He is the voice of reason on this council and a voice that is missing from the school board. That old man has probably forgotten more than those young ramblers will ever know. The 4th ward would be in a horrible mess without his voice. He may have his seat as long as he can speak.