Friday, November 3, 2017

"Claiming a Future For Our Children"

Betty is seeking re-election to the Englewood Board of Education. She has been a resident of Englewood over 40 years. 
She earned a BA (Bachelor of Arts) in Sociology from South Carolina State University. Betty worked for the State of New Jersey for over 30 years. 
While employed with the Division of Family Development she administered the Food Stamp Program (SNAP) and supervised Child Care Centers across the state.
As part of the board , she has served on the following committees:
Year one (2015) Academic Affairs and the Ad Hoc Negotiations

Year two (2016) Chairperson of the Personnel Committee and Community Outreach .
Year three (2017) Academic Affairs

In May 2017, Betty was awarded the Certified New Board Members certificate for her completion of the requirements for Level One of the Board Members Academy Program.
The goals she has for the district are:
Complete the implementation of the reading program in the primary and elementary schools.
Continue to improve transparency between parents,students and the administration of the district through community meetings.
Update policies to assure the changes made are captures and understood by parents, students and administration
She currently serves as a member of the Englewood Recreational Advisory Committee. 
Betty is a tutor in the community and volunteers. She is the proud mother of two sons, Sebron and Samuel.

"Claiming a future for our Children"