"The Englewood Public School District has established a
Student Code of Conduct which is designed to define unacceptable conduct and consequences therein. It is the EPSD’S expectation that all students conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of themselves and others with whom they interact with in the educational system. We are committed to the rights and welfare of everybody."
My 8th grade granddaughter and I just sat down and bonded over a review of the
code of conduct for Englewood Students. We skimmed through the PURPOSE and spent most of our time on the levels of prohibited conduct and the punishment for infractions.
There are four levels of prohibited conduct:
Level I (Minor Infraction)
Level II (Moderate Infraction)
Level III (Major Infraction)
Level IV (Judicial Infraction)
We laughed together as we discussed the different behaviors that are prohibited in school. The conversation started with her sitting across the room responding to my questions as she followed the television program. I wanted to test a student use of the Englewoood School District's School websites. I was also curious as to whether students understand what is expected of them. We pulled up the site for her school and looked for the Code of Conduct. We did not find it. She was certain that they were not given one at the start of school. I'd already read the one for Dwight Morrow High School. She was directed to that site demonstrated unexpected excitement. We talked about the GEPA, technology, health, the grading system, the long and short line at the Cafeteria and why the Boy's locker room is larger. She was beside me on the sofa talking her head off as we reviewed the code of conduct on the High School site. It was great. It was also the longest uninterrupted conversation that I have had with my granddaughter since she became a teenager. We studied the Code of Conduct and learned a lot together.
"Where's the Dress Code?" she wanted to know. If people can be sent home for having their pants hang below their boxers, it should be part of the dress code. How can you argue with that?
What is your favorite subject? Which of your teachers keep your attention? Why do you have a C in Science? When I asked her what her grades were, she said A's and B's, but after our discussion I learned that her grades are really B's and C's. By the time we were both yarning, she finally admitted that she talks too much in Science. "Okay, I do, I talk too much. My friend had to be moved away from me." I watched her take ownership of unacceptable and prohibited behavior in that moment. She promised to change that particular behavior. It was good to see that she was embarassed. The concept that her talking may have affected her grade negatively dawned on her. This may never have happened if we had not reviewed the Code of Conduct.
She gave me a good night kiss and thanked me before she went to bed.