Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Board Members ONLY

When I read this Fort Lee Patch article in 2013, I remember thinking, wow, that could be us.

Well now it is us.

Englewood has inherited Fort Lee's School Board Attorney who seemed to fancy himself a School Board Member while in Fort Lee. My advice to Mr. McKeever is to run for the BOE in the town you live in so you may understand and experience being a real School Board Member.

For now, my advice to our well paid School Board Attorney is to move to the back table where Mark Tabakin was satisfied to sit. We do not want the confusion created by your presence at the Board table. You do not belong there. If the Board President and the Superintendent cannot function without your counsel during a public meeting, there is something seriously wrong.

A video recording of the last Public School Board meeting showed a Board determined to destroy one of their own. It was thoroughly embarrassing. Mr. McKeever, who is supposed to and is hired to protect the interests of the Board actually fed one of the Board members to non-residents who came on a mission with a non Board related problem.

After allowing the complainants 6 minutes to vent, he then informed the public that the issue had nothing to do with the Board.

Gee Whiz McKeever, why did you allow the women to tear into one of the Board members that you are hired to protect? You were supposed to stop those people and let them know right away that they were in the wrong place to voice the kind of complaint they had.

You, McKeever are sitting there at the Board table with a name plate, no less, allowing a Board Member to be vilified. For my tax dollar, you need to check yourself. That Board has enough problems functioning as it is.

The Board President just demonstrated that she has no clue of the law and that she has obvious contempt and disdain for the Board Member in question. Such personal matters should never hamper the smooth running of the school board.

To the Board President, please seat Mr. McKeever at the rear table where Mark Tabakin sat. If it was good enough for Mark, it is surely good enough for this character. In Englewood, only one paid employee may be a member of the School Board and that is the Superintendent.

The 6 minute tirade was allowed and condoned by the Superintendent, the entire Board and the Attorney.

And finally, shame on you George, Henry, Kim, Brent, Dalia, Michelle and Elizabeth.  Your silence was very illuminating.
